Questions fréquentes

If I buy a multi-site pass, do I have to visit all the sites on the same day?
When you book, you need to choose a date for each site. Note that Lascaux IV and the Parc du Thot are a 7 km one from the other, and it takes 25 km to get to Les Eyzies for the Laugerie-Basse and Grand Roc sites.
I have a combined ticket: are the prehistoric shelters at Laugerie-Basse and the Grotte du Grand Roc far apart?
The two sites are located along the cliff, 250 metres from one another.
How are tours organised?
The Laugerie Basse shelters are open to the public on a self-guided tour, with a fifteen-minute 3D film followed by a tour of the archaeological site. The Grotte du Grand Roc is a forty-minute guided tour in French, with a translation booklet if required. Allow 45 minutes for each site. Please arrive at the cave entrance 15 minutes before the time of your visit and make sure you have your tickets ready. Tickets cannot be purchased at the entrance to the cave, but at the reception desk.
Is the car park easily accessible?
Yes, the sites have a large, free car park below the cliffs, with access via a short climb up to the reception building. To visit the Grand Roc, you need to arrive 20 minutes early to allow time to climb up to the cave.
Is the site accessible to everyone ?
The site is accessible to strollers and wheelchairs.
I can't find a rubbish bin, where can I put my rubbish?
The Grotte du Grand Roc and the Laugerie Basse prehistoric shelters have adopted an innovative ecological initiative by becoming a "binless site". The aim of the scheme is to encourage visitors to take responsibility for their waste management, reduce the amount of waste on the cultural site and raise public awareness of the general problem of waste production. Visitors are encouraged to take their waste home with them or download the Bluetooth mobile app "SMD3-mon service déchets". This application can be used to open household waste containers and pay online. It is aimed at residents of the Dordogne as well as visiting tourists.
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